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The remuneration for legal services of our office


The remuneration for legal services of our office is determined based on hourly rates, ranging from 2.500 CZK to 3.500 CZK (100-150 EUR) er hour excluding VAT based on the extent and complexness of the provided legal services and the language, in which the legal services are provided.

We are able to agree a different way of determination of the remuneration in individual cases, e.g. lump sum remuneration for a set package of services, or part of the remuneration depending on the success in the matter, where the above hourly rates are basis for such other remuneration arrangements.

If there is no other remuneration agreed with the client, the remuneration shall be determined based on the Ministry of Justice Regulation No. 177/1996 Coll., on remuneration of attorneys.

Preparation of a price offer for legal services is free.

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